Just a quick post to mention that the Brighton Tech for Good Launch is today (Wednesday 10th October). From the event description: WHY TECH FOR GOOD BRIGHTON? Brighton has a dynamic digital scene. It also has an active charity/voluntary/social sector. And a burgeoning social enterprise scene. Brighton also has loads of social challenges. Digital can …
Author: Andy Broomfield
Brighton Digital Festival 2018
One of the highlights of living in Brighton is the amount of creative output in the city, alongside the huge amount of tech that goes on here. Combining both of these is the Brighton Digital Festival. This year between 13th September and 13th October 2018. I went along to the opening on Thursday 13th at Phoenix. This …
Google Chrome Turns 10
I remember when Googles Chrome Browser was announced, after an online comic appeared. At the time, Chrome was a Windows only Webkit browser, the big innovation being having each browser tab run in its own CPU process, so that if one crashes, it doesn’t take down the entire browser. Its a model that has since …
Bloated Web Pages
Have you noticed there are some websites on your phone browser that are really slow? The browser may struggle to scroll, becoming all jerky. I’ve noticed websites on my old iPad2 causing the browser to crash. Even though that iPad is very old by todays tech standards, I used to be able to browse the …
On that whole Facebook and Cambridge Analytica Thing
In the big story that exploded last week, and has been doing the rounds for a while. A data analytics / personal profiling / election campaign assistance company used personal and private data they scrapped from Facebook via a researchers quiz app. They then used this in to help influence the US election, and possibly …
The History of the Browser User Agent
I came across this very old article on the history of the web browser user agent string via OS News. And behold, then came a new web browser known as “Mozilla”, being short for “Mosaic Killer,” but Mosaic was not amused, so the public name was changed to Netscape, and Netscape called itself Mozilla/1.0 (Win3.1), …
Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Following the announcement of the death of John Perry Barlow, I’ve been re-reading some of his writing, particularly the Declaration of the independence of cyberspace, A document that could be said to be the founding of internet culture, even if a bit naive in how the technology would be used. You claim there are problems among …
Time to make sure your website works under a secure connection
The push to secure peoples website connections is going a lot further. At first it was login forms that where getting labeled as insecure (most prominently in Firefox). Now Google, with Chrome is going a step further, from July this year all sites which are not using encrypted connections (old http) will be marked as …
Read time to make sure your website works under a secure connection →
Algorithm changes on Instagram hiding posts
Instagram has changed their algorithm again. Now they are said to be hiding some posts, so they don’t appear in feeds. I’ve noticed that I don’t see as many photos in my feed anymore (at least from people I follow directly, I have noticed an increase in branded content, and photos I may like). Also likes seem …
Mastodon London meet up on Thursday
For those who are using, or interested in the decentralised social network Mastodon, the first London meet is coming up. Hosted at London Hackspace, from 7pm. Should be an interesting crowd, and there will be presentations from a couple of instances (UK hosted I assume). I’m hoping to make it along, though I’ve been flu ridden this …