Microsoft Edge to become Google Chrome based

What could be described as an end to an era, espe­cial­ly to those of use who knew Inter­net Explor­er 6 as all that was, Microsoft announced last week that it chang­ing the under­ly­ing com­po­nent (Ren­der­ing Engine) that pow­ers its cur­rent web brows­er, Microsoft Edge, to use the same one used by Google for Chrome. The …

Read microsoft edge to become google chrome based →

The History of the Browser User Agent

I came across this very old arti­cle on the his­to­ry of the web brows­er user agent string via OS News. And behold, then came a new web brows­er known as “Mozil­la”, being short for “Mosa­ic Killer,” but Mosa­ic was not amused, so the pub­lic name was changed to Netscape, and Netscape called itself Mozilla/1.0 (Win3.1), …

Read the history of the browser user agent →

Time to make sure your website works under a secure connection

The push to secure peo­ples web­site con­nec­tions is going a lot fur­ther. At first it was login forms that where get­ting labeled as inse­cure (most promi­nent­ly in Fire­fox). Now Google, with Chrome is going a step fur­ther, from July this year all sites which are not using encrypt­ed con­nec­tions (old http) will be marked as …

Read time to make sure your website works under a secure connection →