
Hi, I’m Andy Broomfield.

I’m inter­ac­tion design­er, web devel­op­er and tech focused social thinker.

I’ve pri­mal­ly worked as a free­lance devel­op­er, clients have included :
Roy­al Col­lege of Art, RIBA, Azen­by, Ruu­mi, Medi­a­Beast, The Mobile Acad­e­my (UCL), Mak­er­hood, Space Mak­ers Agency, Dadamac Foun­da­tion and Insti­tute of Devel­op­ment Stud­ies (Uni­ver­si­ty of Sussex).

I’ve tak­en part at var­i­ous hack days, includ­ing Rewired State, NHS Hack­day, City Camp Brighton.

As part of WLT­Make, a group of artists and mak­ers, in 2014 I helped organ­ise two events. Dig­i­tal doo­dling as part of Doo­dle­fest (for Brighton Fringe), and Elec­tric Biro Hack­day as part of Brighton Dig­i­tal Festival.

I grad­u­at­ed from the Roy­al Col­lege of Art Design Inter­ac­tions pro­gramme in 2008.

I also take a lot of pho­tographs.
You can buy some on my Red­Bub­ble shop.

Cur­rent­ly based in Brighton, UK.

Find more about me.