Mozillia an Internet Villain for supporting DNS over HTTPS

An odd sto­ry popped up on my social media feed over the week­end. The Inter­net Ser­vices Providers’ Asso­ci­a­tion has nom­i­nat­ed Mozil­la to be an ‘inter­net vil­lain.’ This seemed rather odd giv­en that the Fire­fox web brows­er is the only main­stream brows­er cur­rent­ly being devel­oped inde­pen­dent­ly of any com­pa­ny*. Look­ing clos­er at their rea­son­ing, ISPA writes: …

Read mozillia an internet villain for supporting dns over https

Time to make sure your website works under a secure connection

The push to secure peo­ples web­site con­nec­tions is going a lot fur­ther. At first it was login forms that where get­ting labeled as inse­cure (most promi­nent­ly in Fire­fox). Now Google, with Chrome is going a step fur­ther, from July this year all sites which are not using encrypt­ed con­nec­tions (old http) will be marked as …

Read time to make sure your website works under a secure connection →

Major bugs Meltdown and Spectre come with cute logos

Major flaw in CPUs around how they process data where revealed this week. From the off­i­cal news release. Melt­down and Spec­tre exploit crit­i­cal vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in mod­ern proces­sors. These hard­ware vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties allow pro­grams to steal data which is cur­rent­ly processed on the com­put­er. While pro­grams are typ­i­cal­ly not per­mit­ted to read data from oth­er pro­grams, a malicious …

Read major bugs meltdown and spectre come with cute logos →