However for free users this will mean that photos will be deleted. Back in April, Flickr was acquired from Yahoo by Smugmug, this represents a major change in direction for Flickr under them than Yahoo, and a return to Flickrs subscription based roots. Originally, Flickr would let you upload 200 photos on free accounts, then …
Category: Uncategorized
Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Following the announcement of the death of John Perry Barlow, I’ve been re-reading some of his writing, particularly the Declaration of the independence of cyberspace, A document that could be said to be the founding of internet culture, even if a bit naive in how the technology would be used. You claim there are problems among …
Mastodon London meet up on Thursday
For those who are using, or interested in the decentralised social network Mastodon, the first London meet is coming up. Hosted at London Hackspace, from 7pm. Should be an interesting crowd, and there will be presentations from a couple of instances (UK hosted I assume). I’m hoping to make it along, though I’ve been flu ridden this …
Short for Weblog. a log of entries posted on a website about a topic. a series of curated posts or links.