Goodbye to DRM eBooks form Microsoft

Did you buy books from Microsofts eBook store, well now you can’t read them any­more. Actu­al­ly, I was­n’t aware that Microsoft had an eBook store, though this is not sur­pris­ing as many of the tech com­pa­nies have been diver­si­fy­ing in the past to try and move into con­tent, and lock you into their plat­forms. This …

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Microsoft Edge to become Google Chrome based

What could be described as an end to an era, espe­cial­ly to those of use who knew Inter­net Explor­er 6 as all that was, Microsoft announced last week that it chang­ing the under­ly­ing com­po­nent (Ren­der­ing Engine) that pow­ers its cur­rent web brows­er, Microsoft Edge, to use the same one used by Google for Chrome. The …

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