Twitter to now disclose when public figures break the rules

They won’t remove them though… This fol­lows up a post back in 2018, that Twit­ter would not block world lead­ers. Whilst not nam­ing a par­tic­u­lar politi­cian, I think we all have an idea on who they are refer­ring to, Twit­ter will hide by default, but not remove tweets which break their rules. From Twit­ters blog post …

Read twitter to now disclose when public figures break the rules →

Twitter won’t block world leaders

Twit­ter, on why they won’t sus­pend Trump (or oth­er world lead­ers) accounts. Block­ing a world leader from Twit­ter or remov­ing their con­tro­ver­sial Tweets would hide impor­tant infor­ma­tion peo­ple should be able to see and debate. It would also not silence that leader, but it would cer­tain­ly ham­per nec­es­sary dis­cus­sion around their words and actions. World …

Read twitter won’t block world leaders →